Why choose us?

Why choose us?

What happens if I'm not satisfied?

Private Cleaner

Will likely offer an apology and may offer to re-clean or go over the unsatisfied area. 

Other Cleaning Services

Will likely only offer an apology, as the cleaner is often in too much of a rush to make their next appointment. Their head office may offer a refund. 


Will immediately offer to re-clean to your standards, free of charge and will take the time to understand your requirements. You will often have the same cleaner so that we can build relationships and understanding of you and your requirements. 
Do you provide your own cleaning supplies?

Private Cleaner

No, will use your cleaning supplies and you may face expensive bills for broken equipment i.e. Vacuum's

Other Cleaning Services

Will use their own supplies, this allows them to "bump" up the price. Also these supplies may be cheap in order to add to their bottom line. They will likely not be environmentally friendly, will have strong odours/fumes, will not tailor to sensitive skin/allergies.


We will use your own cleaning supplies. We recognise everyone has different preferences and tastes. However your supplies and equipment are safe and covered under our insurance policies, so you can have peace of mind that we will look after your home and your property. 
What happen's if your sick or away from your home?

Private Cleaner

May encourage you to "hide" a key, ask for payments up front or ask to be paid in your absence. 

Other Cleaning Services

Often have contracts and will expect payment to "keep your slot".


These things happen, we encourage you to pay after the service is provided to your satisfaction. If you don't want your regular service, you are not out of pocket. If you do want your service to go ahead we encourage you to use "key safes" or trusted key holders to keep your property secure.
What if someone gets injured?

Private Cleaner

As your home is now their work place, you will often be liable. 

Other Cleaning Services

May have insurance in place to cover any accidents. Check with them before hiring. 


We haven't had an injury or accident yet, thanks to our extensive training and safe working practices. However if something were to happen, we have our own comprehensive insurance policies and will ensure any damage done is replaced/repaired. 
Background checks?

Private Cleaner

Will likely be over exaggerated cleaning experience. May not be entitled to work in the UK.

Other Cleaning Services

Will often do basic checks such as asking for a national insurance number or proof of nationality. 


All our workers have the right to work in the UK. Not only that but we make sure we see proof of past experience / references. 
What happens if your cleaner is sick or on holiday?

Private Cleaner

Will likely ask for up-front payment meaning you are out of pocket. Or ask for payment to keep your "slot".

Other Cleaning Services

Will attempt to get you cover however if you are fortunate to get a replacement, they will likely not know your requirements. 


If this does happen we give you plenty of notice in the event of holidays and discuss your preferences. We can arrange for someone else to come in which case we give them a full handover so that your requirements and personal standards are met. You will never have to pay to "keep your slot".

Why people believe in us

“Extremely reliable, friendly and trustworthy whilst working hard to please each and every customer.”
Catherine, Staffs
“Highly recommend, SR-UK have provided a service for my family over the years, very friendly and reliable.”
Liz, Stone
“Very professional, friendly and helpful. Best cleaning service I've ever used. Very reliable and trustworthy. Id recommend to anyone.” 
Jane, Cheshire
“As a builder / plumber / mechanic, I know how to make a mess, luckily I contacted SR-UK and have never looked back. Best decision I ever made.”
Tony, Cheshire
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